Friday, January 24, 2014

Slabs are cut!

Here are my cut outs.I still need a slab for my lid.But for right now I will finish doing my designs/

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


My two slabs are ready.One of the slabs was made by you Mrs.Wheeler on Monday. I have to wait till tomorrow to get started my box so my slabs can dry.

Monday, January 20, 2014

More box layouts

This will be on the top of the box, The skulls will be a lot bigger on drawn like the "Day of the Dead" skulls.  For me, the skulls represent my deep love for them.They just seem really cool and I like the shape and everything. Some skulls have a "Sign" that they are bad the way people represent them. But they are not. 

Box layout

My box will have 1 eye on each side. The reason for that is because it is my symbol for " I am always watching" meaning, I have had a lot of things Ive seen. The small boxes right beside that is the top of the box on the lid.I am not a good drawer but I tried to make it as clear as possible.