Monday, November 18, 2013

Pot full of snake

To get my ideas flowing I thought of this, It's a tea pot with handles that look like a snake. I had many similar ideas to this but I thought the snake coming out of the pot was really cool. The tea pot will have holes all around. I wanted to make something that will make you think. "Why does this tea pot have holes?" I also might add something else, like an irregular shape to it, I just don't know yet.

Tree House

I really like trees and I thought for my project I will make a tree... that looks like a house. The sketch I did above will look similar to the one that I will make. The bottom of the tree will not be curved shaped like the sketch but it will look exactly like the root of a real tree. I wanted to add a bunch of branches, but I know that it will not be able to work because I already tried to do a tree project. But not like this one. So here is my idea...erm..bye.