Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pot Head

This is one of my projects that I had the most trouble with. It was originally supposed to be a flower pot but the coils were cracking more and more everyday when I worked on it. I didn't even get to finish smoothing out the coils. As you can see in the picture you can tell the coils are there and that frustrates me. I drew and painted everything on here like my last post. The eyes everywhere and a big tree in the night sky. The inside of the pot is just colors splattered everywhere. This is also one of my projects that I love and I am very happy with the result.

Would you like a cuppa tea?

A second favorite project of mine is this cup. My original idea for the cup was going to have spikes all around, it was going to be objects that you use everyday but you can't, I found a guy online that makes those sort of things, but unfortunately I cannot remember his name or where to find him. But instead of that idea I just thought to paint it with some things that I like. The 3 eyes and the skull, the "Drink Me" bottle from Alice in Wonderland", and some other drawings. Inside on the bottom of the cup is another drawing of an eye.


Here is a project that I did last year (junior year) but I barely painted it and clear coated it at the beginning of the year. This took a lot of clay and coil just to make. This was actually supposed to be  practice vase. I finished the coils and I didn't want to just smush it all down and waste clay so I painted it. It looks like a kindergartner painted it, I was just having fun painting it. People think this was just a waste of clay but it wasn't to me. These aren't just things to make because you HAVE to. When you make them you learn how to have patience and learn how to deal with mistakes.

I got the world on my hands

This is one of my projects that I have made that I am in love with. These are my hands made of clay that I painted like the earth. The process to do this was very difficult just like the others. Getting the clay into the shape of your hands isn't a very easy thing to do. The fingers were also very hard to do because you have to keep messing with the clay to get it in the shape of your palms, fingers, and the split of your hands. When it came down to painting it, I had no idea how to paint it, but I came up with this. I love it!

Tree House Candle Holder

 This is a tree house that I made into a candle holder I really like trees and the way I painted it where it goes black to gray to brown. I was going to do something totally different but ended up with this. During the process of making it, I had A LOT of mess ups! The coils kept cracking, I had to keep filling up holes. I had a hard time keeping it straight to where it was going slanted. I didn't want it to look like "The leaning tower of Pisa" LOL......Anyway, I really wanted it to have the texture and similarities like a tree, but that was really difficult for me to do. I really like the way it turned out and I am happy with it.