Friday, February 28, 2014

Lid Lid Lid Lid

Here is my lid!! Finally! All I have to do now is cut out some designs and put them on my box then my whole box will be finished!

Pot of love

One of my projects I did in the beginning of the year. It was cracked in multiple places so I filled them in with this stuff. I am planning on sanding this down to make it smooth, then  I will glue on some newspaper and some things that have meaning to me. Then I will paint some light colors on top to set it out.

Smoothing out

I ALSO worked on smoothing out my box and the rough edges on my cut out designs. This is a "Rough Bark Tree", I carved an eyeball in the left hand corner and I am working on my feather to look more...feathery.

Clear Coat

On Monday, I clear coated my vase. It didn't come out the way I wanted so I just painted it with flowers, clouds and other stuff. It looks like a little girl did it. Oh well.