Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Accomplishments Page

Here is one of my Scrapbook pages that I am working on. This is my 'Accomplishments' page ,it's going to be my first page of my Topics category.  I really didn't want to put this page in my scrapbook, but I decided to because this is the reason why I'm a senior and I don't have stress. The MATH TAKS test was really hard for me, so when I passes this I was really excited.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Light Pink

Since all my projects are about to be fired, I can't take pictures of them, but here is my last project "Pot Head" that needs to be fired.This is my 2nd favorite project that I have done because the colors on it make it more beautiful. You can't see the colors right now because I glazed it, but after it's fired you will see the colors.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pot Head

 Since I have no idea what else to do with my projects, I decided to paint whatever I feel.Here is what I drew on my pot, its crazy eyes. My love for eyes and eyeballs are getting way out of hand and are on way to many of my projects. The idea to paint it was actually a good idea because even though I don't like the way the clay came out. The paint covered the mistakes. I called this "Pot head
" because its crazy and its a pot...If that makes sense. Well here you go....uhm...erm...bye.