Friday, October 25, 2013

Projects on the RISE!

My world project is done shaping and rounding,but I have no clue what I'm going to do with it.My first idea was to just paint it like a world,but decided to do something totally different.So right now while I'm trying to figure out what to do with my project,I'll be making tea pots and cups.But  they are not going to be original,they are going to be oddly shaped and weird looking.Plain is just boring=.So this is what I'm working on now.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ceramics kids!

Ceramics kids need to wash all utensils, and WRAP clay when not in use.If you do not wrap the clay it WILL NOT be able to be used for projects.Keep the clay room clean and well organized.Put your projects where no one will be able to ruin them.DO NOT mess around in the clay room! GET YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT! The clay is to be USED for your projects and not thrown in the trash,or anywhere around the room,nor at each other.
Please remember that the projects you make will show how much work you put into them.
What you do in class is your business,but the outcome of that will also be your business.

* I am not a teacher and I'm not telling you what to do.I am a student and I know how to act.RESPECT your teacher and do what you are told.
-Natalie, ceramics 2 student

Friday, October 18, 2013


Here it is!!!
It really doesn't look like a circle/round globe.This is the best I could do.I decided to make the bottom flat that way it would stay up in place.I might add some things to this to make it look a lot better.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

All around the World...Well "Half"

Here is half of my "World".It needs to dry a-little and then I can start the other half.I can't wait to finish this project already!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Picture clay!

Here is something I made last year,I'm not really happy with how it came it out.Hopefully,I can remake a new one this year.

Some of my projects!!

These are all my projects that I have made.The cup was recent.The hands and coil vase were made last year in ceramics 1.The hands are painted like the world and the vase is painted with flowers and garden like things.They just need to be fired and the cup needs to be painted and fired.Im really excited to take these home with the rest of my projects I have made.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ceramics "World" Project

I am making a "World". I was doing the coil pots until I found it faster to just to cut out long strips of clay and scratch and put the water and make that "glue".Im first starting out with one half of the world then Im going to make my way up and try to make the half round.I found this step to be way easier because its basically the same.When Im done with the first half Ill be able to work on the other half and TRY to make it the same size.This half of the "World" is not done yet I need to size it and round it first. While I'm putting the strips on Im smoothing it all out just so I don't have to waste an extreme waste of time when I go back.