Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ceramics kids!

Ceramics kids need to wash all utensils, and WRAP clay when not in use.If you do not wrap the clay it WILL NOT be able to be used for projects.Keep the clay room clean and well organized.Put your projects where no one will be able to ruin them.DO NOT mess around in the clay room! GET YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT! The clay is to be USED for your projects and not thrown in the trash,or anywhere around the room,nor at each other.
Please remember that the projects you make will show how much work you put into them.
What you do in class is your business,but the outcome of that will also be your business.

* I am not a teacher and I'm not telling you what to do.I am a student and I know how to act.RESPECT your teacher and do what you are told.
-Natalie, ceramics 2 student

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